Dr Thinn Thinn Hlaing


Dr Thinn Thinn Hlaing MBBS MSc MRCP PgCert (Med Ed) is a Burmese national who trained at University of Medicine 1 and subsequently at Rangoon General Hospital. She is currently working in the UK within the NHS. Formerly a Specialist Registrar in Clinical Biochemistry & Metabolic Medicine at Addenbrookes, she is now a Consultant in Chemical Pathology at Sheffield Teaching Hospital.

She is the founder and lead trustee of the Brighter Futures Foundation, a charity which works closely with the University of Medicine 1 in Rangoon. Through a grant from the Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Trust, Dr Thinn Thinn Hlaing has recently led a programme to build new clinical teaching laboratories in the University.

She knows the Hospital and UM1 well, and has excellent connections both in the Ministry of Health and in the NLD Health Network.

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